Titelbild zu Kashkarikas







Kashkarikas is a classic dish of Turkish Jews who have been trying to survive with very little. This dish is born out of utilizing all parts of a vegetable. The main ingredient here is the peel of the zucchini. The rest one would use for something else like zucchini feta fritters or a delicious zucchini soup. Kashkarikas had lots of interpretations during history. Green sour plums were for example used as a souring agent. These are only available in spring though so I opted here for a version that would be doable in a broader timespan in the year.

Zucchinis are botanically fruits (I'd say culturally they are vegetables.). When they are picked they continue to breath and use up their energy stored as sugar. It is a good idea here to restore some of that used up sugar to bring the vegetable closer to its earlier glory. Good zucchinis are also essential here. Pick small, firm and shiny specimens. They are at their best in spring and summer.


For the zucchini
2 Yellow and 1 Green Zucchini (just green is also ok)
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Sugar
1 Pinch Salt

For the Goat Cheese Sauce
100g Fresh Goat Cheese
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 Tbsp Yoghurt

For the garlic chili oil
1 Clove of Garlic, sliced
2 Tsp Chili Flakes
2 Tbsp Olive Oil

To Serve
2 Tbsp Almonds, roughly chopped

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